Out With A Difference
The Out With A Difference (OWAD) group specialises in arranging inexpensive day excursions for members. They are all very well researched and special care is taken for the arrangements involved.
All our travellers owe many thanks to all who make Out With a Difference member friendly. It would be difficult to maintain the arrangements for these trips without this help because of the variety and number of trips arranged.
The day trips are well patronised especially considering the current economic environment which makes it extremely difficult for those on a limited income to fully enjoy the range of trips on offer.
Similarly while theatre costs are rising and this does affect the number who can attend all the popular shows, the selected venues are always well patronised.
An enormous amount of work goes into making these day away trips pleasant for all who choose to travel with us.
It is only by us having good coach loadings that we are able to offer “trips” at reasonable rates. The more who travel, “helps us to help you” in maintaining low costs.

Trip Update
The Board and Management have adopted a policy, there will be no pick up or drop offs on route towards a DAY trip. All members or participants are required to come to the centre before your trip commences, and will be dropped back at the centre on conclusion of the trip. This would save us journey time on our trips, and make the trip enjoyable and memorable. Request all members to cooperate with the centres policy.

We like to look after those who may be less mobile than others. For us to give this service we need to know this information very early when booking. We can request special areas in most theatres and on our coaches.
NOTE: The Centre has available for the use of members one wheelchair and one mobile walker – both donated to us for use in and out of the Centre.
Should you have the need for the wheelchair – i.e. to help you get around in larger areas, parks, large buildings etc., we recommend you book for this service when making your original enquiry.

Away With A Difference
The AWAY WITH A DIFFERENCE Travel Group visits many difference locations within the State, Interstate and Overseas.
All bookings are made with, and monies paid directly to the Travel Agency used to arrange the particular tour.
See calendar for overview of tours, itineraries and costs.
Further Information
For more information on the various trips that are available, contact the convenor of Out With A Difference, Mrs Suze Harpur on (07) 3821 1089 or 0438 002 713
NOTE: Away Tours are led by Tour Leader Dianne Gill (0409 647 812), and are open to members and friends